I’m Mary Ann Denman. I design user-centered mobile and web experiences.

UX designer based in Seattle, Washington currently working at StringClub. Looking to take on more work and to increase skills as a UX enthusiast.



Despite not having a crystal clear vision for my web app, the LPT Design Team (Lauren Jessen, Dom Martinez, and Mary Ann Denman) created an outstanding working prototype.

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Kelly Bailey - Client - Loss Prevention Tools

Working with Mary Ann is the best. She was the researcher on our team project. She knows her job and tackles it head on, giving you 100%.

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Todd Agnello - Interaction Designer - GeekWire Team

The Apartment Alerts UX team created an elegant solution that quickly connects landlords and tenants in Seattle's red hot rental market.

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Whitney Rearick - Client - Apartment Alerts


Are you working on something great and need assistance? I would love to help make it happen! Drop me a message and let's get started on your project!


